Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Open Thread: Graaaaah!

The Strip: Graaaaah!

The I-Can't-Be-Bothered Review: Very little reaction. I like the center panel.


ElBiggus said...

I'm guessing (hoping?) this is a limp end to the pointless extension of the totally lame paintballing journey-to-nowhere. Scott, be more funny!

R.W.McGee said...

nice artwork with the panels I

Unknown said...

So even though FSM and elbiggus are different people, Scott is damned if he finishes the paintball arc early and damned if he explores it further. I know you can't please everyone all the time, but sheesh. I do think that today's strip isn't very funny, but that is mitigated a little bit with the artwork.

Brett Schiller (Sage) said...

Yeah I agree, what other creative "end" do you want. I love when people say "be funny" um ok, good suggestion, just tell a writer to "write a good book" and expect that to work
There has been bitching about the "person getting shot every day" a few days ago, people were complaining about the art yesterday, and now we get a strip thats the 2nd or 3rd to last strip in the arc and is continuing the story to a end in a few strips. It showed that Skull was a "threat" and Miranda took care of it. While it wasn't life-changing humor it was worth a chuckle.

Thats the inherent problem with critiquing PVP now that its moved to a story-based comic with "arcs" Its like with a TV drama, not every eopisode has to be a homerun, but theres different roles each episode/strip plays (set-up, continuation, explanation) with punchlines and reelations thrown in. Its looknig back on the whole thing is to judge how good it was. I agree that the art can be critiqued from one strip to another because thats shouldnt be affected by the story. However, if you complain that something hasnt happened, or were confused why something else happened, you look foolish when it happens a couple of stirp later.

(btw whats a limp end? Were thye having sex in the strip and I missed it?)

Anonymous said...

i liked the art in this one, the teeth just look cool!

Jim Cowling said...

I like it every time Kurtz draws a full mouth of Skull's teeth; it just works.

The third panel, though, looked rushed.

ElBiggus said...

Ok, to expand a little on my earlier comment: this paintball arc has been lame from the get-go (both the overall arc and each individual installment), and it seems to just be dragging on for too long without going anywhere. Perhaps if some of the strips were longer we could get some actual plot development going, but with only three or four panels per strip and an insistence of adding a "punchline" to each this particular arc has been one of the most disappointing ones that I've read in quite some time. Cole's impending divorce arc was far more interesting, but that seems to have been abandoned pretty quickly. This arc has gone nowhere but seems to have been dragged out over an interminable period.

I'll extend my closing comment to "Scott, be more funny or more interesting". Are we all happy now?

Anonymous said...

The whole story arc probably could have been carried in flashbacks. I think seeing them back at the office with the resultant "battle-damage" before knowing what happened, would have made it funnier. Or, at least, more "sitcom-ie".

Anonymous said...

6PM Eastern on Thursday, and Wednesday's strip is still up.

What a lazy, incompetent, sack of shit. How long has he been doing this? When will he figure out how to do it right?

Anonymous said...

6:28, still not up. although, to be fair, its 5:28 in texas. i think im going to start graphing post times.

Anonymous said...

maybe he cant do the comic because hes babysitting again?

Anonymous said...

"What a lazy, incompetent, sack of shit."

I demand my money back!

Rick said...

So, this in response to Thursday's comic, and while I wonder how they knew it was a mushroom-induced haze, the only thing I'm really disapointed about is the fact that Miranda decked Skull with an uppercut, and not with a Cannon Spike kick.

I mean, since Miranda is dressed so similarly to Cammy, might as well give her the moves, too.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm quite interested to see how Scott is going to explore Marcy's new psychic abilities. That is what's happening, right? It's not just sloppy writing, surely?

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