Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Two Minutes to Wondermark #422

I love this screencast of the creation of a Wondermark strip; it's extremely well-edited.


Dedos said...

Wow. I had no idea there was so much editing on the creator's part.
That makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Wow, so this is Cole's wife?

Oh and Scott did a strip with his mum? What's Samwise??

Anonymous said...

Oops forgot to add. Like dedos said, I had no idea how much editing is involved. David really puts in a lot of effort and skill in making his strips.

R.W.McGee said...

love love LOVE the straight on shot of Cole in panel 2 of today's strip. Kurtz nailed that one.

The joke, or ironic twist on Cole's speech was expected, but effective if not funny, since it gives new readers a run-down of what Jase used to be like.

Solid strip.

Anonymous said...

I liked today's strip. Nothing to gripe about.

I do think it would be nice to see a straight behind shot once, though, where they aren't slightly turned to one another so that we can see their lips. Utilized often in movies. Pulp Fiction has plenty of scenes where you are looking directly behind a character and it works well. Characters don't always talk with their sides turned so that we can conveniently see their faces, and often in movies characters will be standing, backs to the camera, talking, and when one says something strange or new, the other turns to look at him.

I think it'd work well in pvp, but that's more something I'd be very excited to see one day than a request. As I said, this strips works, and Scott really nailed the front view of Cole. It's excellent.

Anonymous said...

"love love LOVE the straight on shot of Cole in panel 2 of today's strip. Kurtz nailed that one."

And yet there's a strange disparity between the 2nd panel Cole and the 3rd. I know some of it comes from him putting his hand down (I assume that's why the collar on the right is so high in the 2nd shot - though, personally, I don't raise my whole shoulder to knock and replicating that pose feels way wrong), but his skull changes shape between panels.

If ever there was a case for copy/pasting, those two panels are it.

Anonymous said...

...which is doubly odd considering Brent's face is a copy/pasted flip with minor alterations to the mouth & eyebrow.

Anonymous said...

I don't lilke Brent's sarcastic line. "That's not obvious at all." It doesn't make sense... what's obvious about it? Jase has been with this girl for as long as they haven't visited him, so why would this visit look like anything more than a long-belated visit?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't find the joke in todays strip, but I did notice in panel 2 Jase's eye movement implies he's not telling the truth.

I'm not sure about FSM and the rest of you, but I think it would have been better if Kurtz left out Brent in panels 1 and 4.

Jase looks really plain looking when he doesnt have any solid black in his clothing. One day Kurtz will have to give screentones a try.

Anonymous said...

As far as any shading or screentones goes, I'm more in it for the story than the art.

It wasn't toooo long ago that PVP was full color, or there was new shading, or a new tablet/software...whatever. But then a lot of people started complaining about late strips (ehem...*free* late strips).

Innovation is the price we pay for punctuality for a free product. I guess we'll just have to buy the print versions.

Anonymous said...

Scott has weekends off. According to his Twitter feed, he played WoW all last weekend.

Its his job, not a hobby.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 5:09 AM

I didn't read that as "dishonest eye movement." I read that as "dynamic facial expressions by someone who is genuinely interested in what they are talking about." I do that all the time so it seemed natural to me for Jase to do it.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually really interested in seeing where this goes...

My only beef with todays (part 5) is that Brent's chin and neck lines are almost exactly parallel to coles shoulder and collar, which creates a bit of visual tension. They really should be separated more. Not to mention it has a flattening effect on the two characters.

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