Thursday, September 18, 2008

Carry the one

This seems familiar, but I can't quite place it....

Oh yeah, we got this joke last week. And it was clever then, but now it just feels forced.

The only way to make this better is if someone were to produce a math equation explaining how an upright walking, talking cat is a scientific impossibility. 

At least the chimera looks cool. But our background has disappeared again and now it looks like there's a spotlight on Chimera and Scratch. 

Since there isn't much to say about today's strip, allow me to comment on Kurtz's blog post about farting: .....really, Mr. Kurtz? Maybe I'm just a high society yankee from the godless north, but up here our gas passing isn't something we tend to be proud of.


R.W.McGee said...

Not much to discuss here, the post says it all; strange spotlight effect, repetitive 'gag' et al.

I would add that it's not much of a threat to Scratch if the beast just looms over him trying to appear threatening until he finds time to mathematically explain it out of existence...

Anonymous said...

Mmm. Did the disintegrating/beheading zap-gun stop working suddenly or did SK simply want to stretch out this battle to the weekend? Yeah, I'm going to place my bets on the 'filler' option.

Spotlights? They're the lazy equivalent of silhouettes for backgrounds. No BG, a fair chunk of copy/pasting and a xerox of an previous recent joke. Well, at least SK has the "I had a cold" excuse on hand.

Anonymous said...

He had a great opportunity to draw a great mythical monster, but he choose to zoom in so you only see it's heads... and why is the lion head wearing a crown?

Anonymous said...

And why does SK always have his characters say "OOP" instead of "Oops." I have never once said OOP in my life. Maybe I let slip an "Oopsi-daisy" every now and then...

Anonymous said...

As a Damned Yankee Asshole myself (as they say here in Georgia), I can definitely say that some of us have been known to be proud of our farts. We're just more selective about our target audience.

In fact, just reading today's strip reminded me of something I heard on the toilet once or twice. :P

Duck said...

@anonymous - I say "oop" quite a bit myself actually. You should try it.

Also, if you can't find humor in farts, then there's just something wrong with you. It's a funny noise followed by a horrible smell. It's just comedy at its most basic level.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, but at so basic a level that to develop any degree of sophistication to your sense of humour means that all you're left with is a bad smell.

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