So...they sent another chimera and Scratch beat that one up instead of zapping it/making it vanish with science?
"I am the keeper of all magics....I'm more powerful than science." Seriously, who is this guy? You would thing someone so given to dramatics would toss his name in there somewhere.
And now Shecky's back. And he brought his girlfriend to help. Or she found out about the key and is coming to claim it. Is she the boss lady of the office? I guess we'll have to wait till monday to find out.
It might be the statue's wife. SK is resorting to the "strong and authoritative but nagging" woman-figure to come and solve all the problems caused by men.
is there any choice Scott could make that you people would approve of. I think this storyline has been a lot of fun.
I think it is harmless fun to nitpick, but I do admit that some of us are not able to be pleased.
Everyone said the "wedding/skull missing" storyline was too long and we wanted an interlude. Then everyone said get back on track. Then they said the story was taking too long, then it was too rushed.
Really the only PVP strips that please me are the one time scenarios like the one where God is watching SK draw Francis who is playing the Sims. Or the "City of Heroes" copyrite trial.
"Everyone said the "wedding/skull missing" storyline was too long and we wanted an interlude. Then everyone said get back on track. Then they said the story was taking too long, then it was too rushed."
Looks like you've fallen into the common pitfall of treating the patrons of the site as a hive mind with every issue someone mentions as being a progression of the group as a whole. Not true. Some will have thought the wedding was too long, some not. That second group might also hold differing opinions on when the 'hunt for Skull' should have begun.
A complaint being raised that goes against something someone else mentioned in not a sign that people are being fickle/picking fault with everything, no matter how much it fits with your opinion of PvPMMS.
I've had a good day, and I was talking to Paul Southworth about this site. So against better judgement, I thought I would come post.
If anyone has any questions/comments about the latest storyline or the strip, now's the time to do it. I'm here reading.
You guys are nitpicking this thing to death. It's just supposed to be a fun romp where I get to draw monsters.
And then Skull's back.
Well, you just answered all my questions!
Oh wait, I didn't have any.
Whee, monsters!
"Everyone said the "wedding/skull missing" storyline was too long and we wanted an interlude. Then everyone said get back on track. Then they said the story was taking too long, then it was too rushed." - Anonymous, 9:24
There is a grand misconception, here, wherein "everyone" is responsible for absolutely every complaint or friendly comment (No, wait, clearly they're just all complaints. Couldn't be that anyone's making friendly comments) leveled at PVP. Of course, "Everyone" is everyone here at PVPMMS, too. It's certainly easier to not be happy about all of those complaints when "Everyone" is the culprit. Hm, this is sort of a redundant comment, another Anonymous already replied. And the first Anonymous wasn't even saying anything incorrect except for that one paragraph. Still, it's something that too many people seem to believe is true, this "Everyone" thing. Had to comment on it. Sorry!
"If anyone has any questions/comments about the latest storyline or the strip, now's the time to do it. I'm here reading." - Scott
Ok, then. Why have you been cutting away from the action scenes so often, giving us something lame to look at instead when we know there's supposedly cool-looking shit going down? Examples: 9/8's 4th panel, 9/15's 3rd panel, 9/17's entire strip (It's a good strip, but without seeing any of the actual fighting beforehand or during we're left clueless as to what kind of cool stuff is actually happening off-camera). It's not the type of strip that shies away from showing violence, so it's seemed kind of weird.
And why is there no curve (To speak of) to the Scratch maquette's back? Totally off-topic, but the straight back really accentuates Scratch's long ape-arms and tiny tiny leg-feet, and gives him a huge-looking belly.
You are free to answer anything you read in previous days' comments, too (How could there be a mathematic equation that disproves chimera, why is that same chimera just standing around looking at Scratch while Scratch very slowly disproves it, etc.). Although, you sort of have us trumped when you lay down the "It's supposed to be a fun romp where I get to draw monsters" law. That's sort of a blanket answer, and the only argument against it is that we'd wish you'd put more thought into the fun romp (Which is never a nice-sounding thing to say, unfortunately), even at the risk of said romp becoming less "fun" (Certainly less easy, which also does not sound like a nice thing to say) for you.
If only everyone here could just enjoy things in a "Whee! Monsters!" type of mind-frame.
I don't know what's worse, nitpicking PVP to death, or nitpicking the nitpickers.
I enjoy constructive analysis for the sake of analyzing. It's like in freshman English class where the professor asks you to write a ten page essay on a ten line poem. Extrapolation is part of the game.
"If anyone has any questions/comments about the latest storyline or the strip, now's the time to do it. I'm here reading."
And yet in the very next line, you accuse us of nitpicking, which seems like a rather 'chilling effect' thing to say if you're encouraging people to ask you questions or make comments.
Maybe if you're looking for people to pander to you without asking questions you're clearly going to have trouble answering without getting defensive, you should probably stick to your own forum.
Sometimes it's more fun to have things off panel because the audience can fill in action much grander than my limited cartooning abilities could execute. I like to draw a lot of it myself just because it's fun to draw. But sometimes things are best left up to the imagination (i.e. most of the movie Jaws).
I'm looking at the Scratch Fury Maquette here on my desk and his back has a nice curve to it. I think it looks fantastic. The sculptors did a great job with it.
Ape arms? Apes have really thick arms where they meet the hands. Scratch has skinny tube arms.
I have a writing question for you, Scott, if you are still here...
I am in the middle of writing my first fantasy novel, and sometimes I have to go back and artificially foreshadow or include characters earlier in the story because I realize they are more important later on than I originally thought they'd be. In this case, it seems like the addition of Shecky's girlfriend is either an example of extremely good planning (you always knew you'd use her for this), or exceptional luck (planning the story, thought "Who can help here?", remembered the girlfriend). I'm very curious as to which one it is, since you obviously don't have the option to go back and retroactively include her like a novelist would in an early draft.
I want monsters. BUT, those monsters must be given the proper format. The panel is too small, like a cramped office. Go outside the box and make a poster sized update with a Chimera staring down at scratch. Then a small panel of scratch holding up the equation and a "poof" sound effect. Shake things up Buddy.
Scott! Vindicate me! I'm not accusing you of copyrite infringement or plagarism, but were you influenced by "Flight of Dragons" for the whole Science vs. Magic plot?
"If only everyone here could just enjoy things in a "Whee! Monsters!" type of mind-frame" - Scott
And what monsters have we seen? Shecky? You know everyone be down on Shecky. The statue guy? We don't even know the dawg's name, and he hasn't done a single "whee" or "cool" thing until today where he prepares to choke-slam Scratch. The receptionist? I... uh, I don't think she's a monster, but she's been pretty cool. The moblin? Fool looks like he cut his own head off and kicked his own ass, and so was decidedly missing any "whee" factor in his brief appearance. The giant? We barely even saw any of him before he turned into a big "poof" cloud. The chimera? The chimera was sweet-looking, but literally didn't do a single thing before also turning into a "poof" cloud - which means we can't even expect it to come BACK and do something that could make me go "whee".
Give Brent a haircut. Seriously. Francis got a haircut cause he grew up. Now that Brent is moving on, he needs to lose the pony tail. It'll be a shock for Skull to see him, and come on, when was the last time you saw a man with a pony tail?
That's not a question, douchefuck.
Maintainer Zero: I planned ahead for Mags to be the one to come in and set shit straight. We're going to find out on Monday that she has a history with our Zeus friend (She's why he's stuck as a statue). I think it's totally awesome to plan ahead, then go back and pepper your story with seeds that lead up to big reveals.
I've been watching Dr. Who and they planted all the Bad Wolf stuff in like, the 3rd episode of the season. Really awesome. I think that's just how everyone does it.
anonymous dude: I appreciate your thoughts on the cramped chimera. I guess I could have shaken it up more.
anonymous dude 2: Never read "Flight of the dragons." Must be serendipity. I've heard of the concept of science disproving something and then POOF before though. I don't think I created it. It's been used a bunch in the past, no?
jai: I'm sorry PvP failed to entertain you. I enjoyed drawing Gnatalie, the statues, the goblin and the Chimera. So at least take solace in the knowledge that those strips brought ME joy to make.
Scott is like a celebrity on here. And we are the ever judging paparazzi.
I think FLight of Dragons was a cartoon form the 80s. You should watch it Scott, it has some great art, but a crappy storyline.
Isn't it about Mickey Mouse ditched those ears? Seriously. They're so 1926.
And Jesus Christ, what's up with that white robe and sandals? And that beard? Psht.
FUCK YOU JESUS you jumped the shark 2,000 years ago when you faked your own death.
I really hope you don't put the Dr.Who/Bad Wolf incident up on a pedestal as the actual pay-off at the end of it all was a rather damp firework in terms of what it actually meant.
Of course, seeding your stories with details that pay off later is good but I suppose you always run the risk of people thinking you're merely making all this connectivity schlock up 'after the fact' just to sound smart.
Oh, come on, you guy I don't have any name to put to. Science vs. Magic is a really old concept by now. Plagiarism is out of the question, and even asking for a single specific inspiration for such a storyline these days would be hard (For me, anyway) to answer. Even frickin' Harry Potter is set in a Science vs. Magic world, man.
"Sometimes it's more fun to have things off panel because the audience can fill in action much grander than my limited cartooning abilities could execute. I like to draw a lot of it myself just because it's fun to draw. But sometimes things are best left up to the imagination (i.e. most of the movie Jaws)." - Scott
If it's fun, then draw it! Lor' knows I much preferred seeing the action in lolbat than a few funny "ZAP! POW!" panels (They'd be funny because, well, Adam West's Batman show did that. But I prefer the action. Especially when the subject matter is not lolbat and so has nothing to do with ye olde Batman). The imagination is a pretty unbeatable tool, but at least tell us that there's a shark and show us a fin, or a reaction!
"Ape arms" was just a reference to length. Scratch's arms are also not as long-haired as an ape's arms, nor are they to be found in jungles, attached to apes.
Scratch should topple that statue from his magical throne and reign supreme over his mystical kingdom. He has the unlimted power of science to enslave those monsters. Then it gives you alot of opportunities to go back and draw more monsters when scratch equips them with doomsday weapons and attacks the real Earth.
Boom. 3 month storyline right there.
@Scott - There's nothing wrong with off-camera violence, it can be very effective. The problem I think a lot of people around here are having is that ALL the action is what is essentially a "Scratch kicks some ass to save Skull" story arch has been off camera. We've never gotten a really good pay-off moment. And it's lead to some disappointment.
I think you've have been much better served by a big actiony montage strip yesterday leading into the first panel of today's and the arrival of what's her face.
Say what you want, SK doesn't run from criticism, but he also doesn't let it interfere with his vision. And so long as critics keep scouring his website for slight mistakes he gets revenue from the page visits.
Rock on Scott!
Jai: I'm pretty happy with the artistic choices I've made so far.
The problem with showing all the action isn't drawing it, but pacing. You can't show a whole fight on screen in one panel. Off panel you can. The entire fight can take place off camera.
If I were to show every fight, the storyline would have take twice as long to get done.
I don't think anyone would have complained from a less drawn-out bar scene to make space for a 'fight strip'.
Have you met the PvPMMS crew?
"jai: I'm sorry PvP failed to entertain you. I enjoyed drawing Gnatalie, the statues, the goblin and the Chimera. So at least take solace in the knowledge that those strips brought ME joy to make." - Scott
I'm sorry that my repeated "moblin" references on this blog have failed to reach anyone that plays a lot of The Legend of Zelda games. But I, too, can take solace in the knowledge that making those references brought ME some small amount of joy. A quantum of solace? Seriously, Ian Fleming, what was the deal with that.
You'll forgive me, SK, if I don't exactly believe that you're sorry. You never sound too torn up on your podcasts about readers who bother to tell you that they are saddened in any way by PVP. Maybe it's the accompanying laughter? Maybe it's the way you mock them for thinking you could (Or should) care? Maybe it's your firm stance against criticism. Maybe it's the obvious snark of your "Well, at least you can be happy that I enjoyed making it!" comment. Man, it's sure tough to nail down what, exactly, makes you sound disingenuous about this!
Sorry, you're right. The two (is it that many? Seems a bit high to me) people who actually like Shecky would have probably complained.
"If I were to show every fight, the storyline would have take twice as long to get done." - Scott
Odd. I think that the lolbat storyline was pretty succinct - do you not?
You really don't need to apologize that we don't see eye-to-eye, or point out that you're satisfied with the choices you've already made. That stuff is totally obvious at best, and at worst sounds like a weak blanket answer to every comment or question that can be made.
Jai, I'll save you the trouble of wondering whether or not Scott is really sorry: he's not! Nor should he be. You're not his Mommy or his boss. He draws the strip for his audience, but he doesn't draw it according to their individual personal standards.
While I'm sure he feels bad when someone doesn't enjoy the strip (as we all do), it's pretty rigoddamndiculous to expect him to actually be apologetic about your displeasure with what he's created.
Wait. Jai, are you actually WAITING for me to be apologetic that you didn't like what I drew this week?
Why don't you go stand in the corner and hold your breath. When I'm ready to apologize to you, I'll come look for the guy with the blue face.
So the whole point of this exercise is to throw about some platitudes, accuse us of nit-picking and hope to draw out some fan fawning?
Bizarro guess you right.
Scott should say sorry for making man sad.
Now Bizarro have to go eat a bullet.
@Paul (or Scott, if you're still reading):
I wonder, how many people would it take voicing their displeasure with an aspect of the comic for Scott to actively make changes?
We're a part of his audience after all and a sarcastic "Sorry you guys don't like this, but *I* love it" feels like a great big middle finger.
I'm not pissed off, like others seem to be. But, I am disappointed at the lack of some great Scratch kicking ass art. I didn't need to see it in all the panels, or all the strips. But, one would have been nice. The closest we saw was Scratch standing over Shecky at the bar *after* he delivered the punch.
Even a single, large panel strip (possibly resembling a Boris Vallejo painting) showing an awesome mid-motion pose for attacker and defender/attacker would have been the pinnacle of perfection.
This coupled with the other off-camera jokes to keep the story moving comically along would have stuffed my 'gut' like a thanksgiving turkey.
Also, I thought re-using the same joke within such proximity was quite flat, humorous-ly speaking.
I know I'm down on Shecky, but I also see his value (and enjoy picking on him). But, he gave in too easily. Even a line of dialogue referencing some off-camera resistance would have better sold the bar-scene to me.
I really enjoyed Gnatalie, mostly because of how you chose to spell her name, like gnome.
And, yes, I'm a science nit-picker. Can't help it. I'm a Trekkie from way-back. The chimera, of all the monsters we've seen thus far, is most likely to exist.
I've actually enjoyed the length of the story-arc, and have no problems with the direction your taking. In fact, I'm looking forward for more.
Scribe, it is not a critic's job to influence the work he's critiquing.
If that's your aim here, best quit now, 'cuz that's a long walk to nowhere.
Esoteric Scribe:
I think you have a misconception of the creative process. It's not a collaboration between artist and audience. It's a sharing of what's inside the artist out to whomever wants it.
Some people like it (you call them fanboys, I guess) and some people don't. I'm not sure where some of the people here fall in the grey area between those two.
You seem to have some kind of entitlement about my responsibility to please you. It's very dangerous for an artist to try to steer their work towards audience reaction. It's also an impossible task since no two audience members want the ship steered in the same direction.
If you want to have some influence of change on me, you need to be in my circle of peers. We talk a lot about our work and improving it. We talk to each other all the time about making our strips better. We challenge each other to improve and stretch.
That does not come from our audience. Sorry.
@ Paul -
Can Scott speak for himself? He did make the offer...
Thanks for the answer - much appreciated.
As a follow-up, do you find there are times when you look at a story arc and wish you COULD go back to an earlier arc and change something because it would end up making the current arc stronger?
maintainerzero: All the time.
Awesome, thanks.
I've always wondered what it would be like to have to deliver one page of my work as a finished product and never have the chance to go back. I appreciate your work, but definitely don't envy you the task of trying to create a cohesive story in this medium. I realize there are other folks out there doing this as well, and frankly I'm impressed by pretty much all of it.
My aim is simply to point out where I think the comic could use improvement. No more, no less.
On some level I agree with you. You can't please all of the people all of the time, etc.
But refusing to acknowledge any criticism as helpful is just as bad. You risk alienating your fanbase or at the very least, earning yourself a place on the "small name, big ego" TV Tropes page.
damn lag-time
Oh, I have a question if you're still answering them. Some people think that Scratch disproving monsters away is an intentional reference to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but I think there just happens to be a similarity. I'm right, aren't I? Tell me I'm right.
Also, regarding that Bad Wolf stuff in Doctor Who, I was really disappointed with how that turned out. The discovery of what Bad Wolf actually meant was such a horrible anti-climax. It's irrelevant, but I can't help complaining about that at every opportunity. It looked like it was going to be something so great, but it ws just setting up a retarded deus ex machina.
You're right, of course. It's not the job of a critic to influence the artist.
However, it is the job of a critic to influence an audience.
That audience, in turn, pays the artist (directly or indirectly).
That being said, is the audience not a part of the peer approval process?
After all, the artist is simply part of a larger audience. They are not gods who descent from upon high to look down at mere mortals.
If you look at something, and decide to buy it, you're showing your approval in a very tangible way.
-"a longtime reader said...
However, it is the job of a critic to influence an audience."-
Change "influence" to inform, and you'll have something.
Oh goody, Scott's here. Hey, unless you're planning on offering up some criticism of your own work, I think you're in the wrong place. Didn't you vow never to come here again? I thought that was a good move for you. Especially with your current lack of buffer strip, you time could be better spent.
Another good move for you is your trip to Seattle, listening to the PA podcasts it sounds like they have a sweet work environment up there. Enjoy.
Anyway, we don't want your autograph. So, I guess will be seein' ya round when you have a drama quotient to fulfill?
I thought so.
ugh, many mistakes in my comment.
'your' time could be better spent
'we' will be seein' ya round
sorry about that.
Scott, this isn't really a question, but the problem here isn't nit picking. The problem here is that you may be having fun drawing monsters, but your audience doesn't seem to be enjoying watching it.
It's disappointing that the only way you can cope with our opinions, Scott, is to see it as an attempt to collaborate or directly shape PvP.
"Jai, I'll save you the trouble of wondering whether or not Scott is really sorry: he's not! Nor should he be. You're not his Mommy or his boss." - Paul
Gasp! I... I've suspected it all along, but... wow! I really must not have been sure! Your comment was an invaluable addition to this conversation!
"Wait. Jai, are you actually WAITING for me to be apologetic that you didn't like what I drew this week?
Why don't you go stand in the corner and hold your breath. When I'm ready to apologize to you, I'll come look for the guy with the blue face." - Scott
I'm unsure as to how you reached this conclusion, although I figured matters would come to a dramatic (If uninteresting) head in this way. It is, apparently, only a matter of time until you feel that you've repeated your blanket "I make it for me, and I am not alone in liking it" statements often enough to feel that you've got nothing left to offer as a reply but one of your middle fingers. I have never questioned whether or not you enjoy making PVP, or if there is a huge audience that also enjoys it. No one has asked that. But man, doesn't it work nicely to quash the questions that imply there may be some kind of a standard that people may feel your work is not living up to. You could question whether said standards are just personal and rare or genuinely universal, but it looks more like you can't argue against any of these perceived faults when you totally ignore any and all intent from the questions and comments about them with a lofty, blanket response.
To answer you more specifically, I DO like what you drew. I wish you'd drawn MORE. I am NOT waiting for an apology (What, exactly, would I even be expecting you to apologize FOR?). Was telling me to go stand in the corner like an impertinent child terribly self-amusing? Until I'm blue in the face, ha ha, woo, that's classic (Although you should be looking for the guy with a skull for a face?). You have bested me! I... I promised myself I wouldn't cry...
Julia, if you think that the visitors of this website equals "my audience" then you're very much mistaken. Based on the emails I'm getting and my traffic, people are really excited about this storyline.
I'm not looking for an autograph McGee. I'm just here talking like you guys. Interent is a free place. If you don't like me being here....leave.
Hah. Brilliant. Not filling his usual drama quota, Scott has come to troll PvPMMS.
-" Jai said...
Why don't you go stand in the corner and hold your breath. When I'm ready to apologize to you, I'll come look for the guy with the blue face." - Scott
I'm unsure as to how you reached this conclusion,"-
Simply put, Paul did it. He made an unfounded accusation loosely based on something you said. But, since neither Scott of Paul read what you said, they just ran with it.
Here it is:
-"paulsouthworth said...
Jai, I'll save you the trouble of wondering whether or not Scott is really sorry: he's not! Nor should he be. You're not his Mommy or his boss. He draws the strip for his audience, but he doesn't draw it according to their individual personal standards.
While I'm sure he feels bad when someone doesn't enjoy the strip (as we all do), it's pretty rigoddamndiculous to expect him to actually be apologetic about your displeasure with what he's created.
September 19, 2008 12:09 PM
Blogger Scott said...
Wait. Jai, are you actually WAITING for me to be apologetic that you didn't like what I drew this week?
Why don't you go stand in the corner and hold your breath. When I'm ready to apologize to you, I'll come look for the guy with the blue face.
September 19, 2008 12:13 PM"-
About half of what Paul posts at PVPMMS is fanboy bs designed to start trouble. In fact, Scott wouldn't be here if Paul didn't put a bug up his bumm.
-" Scott said...
I've had a good day, and I was talking to Paul Southworth about this site. So against better judgement, I thought I would come post."-
Guys, honestly, I stopped coming here because I really prefer to let my work speak for itself.
It is what it is. I am what I am. If you think that attitude makes me a hack or a bad person, that's your prerogative, I guess.
I'm not sure what more it is you want me to say or do. I tell you that I hear from a lot of PvP readers with all kinds of opinions about the strip (both online and in person at cons), you guys are a special lot.
Good one, Mcgee. I bet Scott would have answered my question if not for you hogging all the attention by being emotive.
Stupid squeaky wheel... *mumblemumble*
@ Scott -
Opinions do vary. But most of the shit comes from anonymous posters claiming to be "artists" hiding from the Fake Scott McCloud or PVP fanboys.
You don't have to say anything. But, you did ask for comments and questions.
When Lucas re-mastered Ep. IV - VI, didn't you have comments that you may or may not have posted on the web or in your own comic? I would think you told somebody what you thought. And, I would think that George Lucas wasn't up your ass for it (unless you infringed on his trademark).
So, what do you, Scott, really want us to say?
Isn't that why you're here, today? Because you haven't acknowledged those who have shown you respect, here.
While mcgee may have been a bit snarky in his post, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on one of his points:
Wouldn't the time you're spending chatting us up be better spent on creating the buffer strips you've been wanting to do for so long now?
Hell, if you were to keep up your old schedule for one month (without posting 7 days a week obviously) you'd have a whole week's worth of buffers. Do it until the end of the year and you're at close to a month.
Seems like a much better use of your time than just wasting it here.
lol, yeah, the internet is most certainly free, and if you really think it serves you well obviously nobody will or can stop you from spending time here.
I just know that if I was ever fortunate enough to get published by a major American publisher and they sold my book on, I wouldn't spend any time in the comments/reviews section defending myself from critical reviews.
As for letting your work speak for yourself, well, that's EXACTLY right. I'm glad to hear you say it, even if you can't seem to do it. Your work does speak for you, it made me a huge PvP fan about five years ago, and it started to really disappoint me about a year and a half ago.
And there is no fan interaction, here, or at a con, or by e-mail that will change that lever between 'good comic--positive reaction' 'bad comic--negative reaction.' Once you realize that the good and bad in that equation are subjective (which is why some readers are disappointed, some excited) then you can stop coming here, or to other forums and assuming the 'Scott Kurtz Position of Defensive Indignation and Creative Outrage' (tm)
Anyway, again, I'm just more interested in talking about your work than you, nothing personal. And yet when you show up on the boards, that ratio always seems to shift the wrong way.
McGee, I think a lot of what you say is pretty brazen and upsetting. I mean, you really do take an aire of superiority towards me and you make a lot of assumptions about my motivations.
Try to remember that despite reading PvP for years, you really don't know me.
to answer "pick me's" question, the answer is that yes of course I was aware of the HHGTTG joke. I can't say it didn't influence me.
PVP is good because people tell Scott they like it.
So why does he constantly bash CAD?
Your comic formula, for the lack of a better term, is pretty much the same tripe spoon fed to us by the syndicates. Why not use the medium you have to do something original for a change? Are you truly happy with what you're creating these days?
Also Ding is a much better comic and plays to your strength of making great one-off jokes. Why are you neglecting it so much?
I guess I keep trying to hold you up to the same quality as the guys at Transmission X which will always lead to dissapointment.
"So why does he constantly bash CAD?"
He's not bashing it, he's trying to 'collaborate' with Tim Buckley... apparently.
What did you hope to accomplish by pretending you were FSM?
I have no idea what you're talking about ;)
I bash a lot of things: including CAD. My buddies and I dismantle Star Trek all the time and we're total nerds about it.
The difference is that I don't email the creators of Trek and insist they change things based on my input. Nor do I start websites about it.
I guess.
But let me ask you a deeper question. Why does it matter? Are you hoping to justify your own actions by pointing out that I partake in similar behavior? Does it make it okay if you do bad things just because someone else does?
But Scott is FSM* - do YOU see FSM around right now? Eh? Ehh?
"I think a lot of what you say is pretty brazen and upsetting. I mean, you really do take an aire of superiority towards me and you make a lot of assumptions about my motivations." - Scott
Back at ya, SK. Honestly.
I guess the only question I have left is, what sort of questions are you hoping we'll ask? You're clearly not comfortable answering anything I brought up, but if I can get back into the comfort zone with a question then let me know what that question is. Until then, well, hey - keep hanging out and reading. It's just like vaguely older times!
I'm not sure what point you're making about the folks at PVPMMS when you say you never get e-mail along the lines of the "special" opinions here - are you saying that we aren't e-mailing you? Well, dang, I guess you're right. I guess we'd rather discuss PVP amongst ourselves than try e-mailing you with blatant attempts to collaborate or directly shape PVP. That's sort of what this blog is about, so if you're starting to realize that then happier times are surely just around the bend!
In case of emergency, I call dibs on breaking the glass in front of the "I'm not looking for an autograph McGee. I'm just here talking like you guys. Interent is a free place. If you don't like me being here....leave." comment. That'd be an amusing diversion but it's not the kind of thing I prefer to talk about, here. Man, we need another blog post so we can get back to discussing Friday's strip with each other. :(
* No. No, he isn't.
It matters because you're trying to say that our opinions are wrong just because more people email you saying they love your comic.
I'm just trying to flip it around so you can see how wrong that is.
"Does it make it okay if you do bad things just because someone else does?"
Doesn't it make it hypocritical to complain about something you yourself are happy to indulge in?
Does it make it okay if YOU do bad things just because someone else does?
You've talked about your e-mails a bit, now, and I'm starting to get confused.
"Julia, if you think that the visitors of this website equals "my audience" then you're very much mistaken. Based on the emails I'm getting and my traffic, people are really excited about this storyline."
So... we're not part of your audience? Or do you really believe she thinks we are the sum of all of your audience's parts? You could base anything off of the e-mails you get and have it be technically true. Try putting up a poll, though. Unless you've also started calling out people who obviously care a lot about PVP but answer negatively in the polls like you do with your e-mails, the poll should be a more accurate way to judge your audience's general opinion. As for traffic, well, WE'RE a part of your traffic. How is that proving anything?
"I tell you that I hear from a lot of PvP readers with all kinds of opinions about the strip (both online and in person at cons), you guys are a special lot."
ALL KINDS of opinions. But not any of the opinions expressed at this blog? No, wait, this next quote doesn't say that:
"The difference is that I don't email the creators of Trek and insist they change things based on my input. Nor do I start websites about it."
I mean, I have to assume from that last quote that you're saying we DO e-mail you (And start websites upon the subject; I don't think you're grasping that blogging is, essentially, nothing but a slightly more cohesive and thought-out brand of Twittering). With insistent suggestions, no less. And, clearly, anyone who could do anything like that to Star Trek (Writing e-mails?! Typing on the internet?! What kind of savages could do those types of things?!) has an opinion that doesn't matter in the least. No matter how many of them band up "against" Star Trek in the same fashion.
I have never ever pretended to know you Scott, the only way I can judge you is by what you say on your blog posts and other writings around these internets.
I don't see that I'm being 'superior' but if I'm being brazen and upsetting so be it. I've been called worse, and it never stopped me from saying what I thought. =)
And Jai, I acknowledge your dibs, lol.
Jai and McGee and Julia,
I'm sure you guys think that you're engaging in some awesome cat and mouse game of words with me. But trust me when I say that after reading some of the really poisonous things both of you have said about me and my work in the past, I really don't need you as readers. So I'm not really interested in debate with you, let alone pleasing you with my work.
I think it's great you read every day. I appreciate your pageviews. And this site, as poisonous as I feel its become, continues to push interest in my site. So I guess I can't be too upset at it.
I've had the distinct pleasure of a fanbase that was equal parts die-hard-always-happy-fantatics and never-happy-but-always-reading-supporters. It's a good life my audience affords me. I spend a lot of time being accessible to them.
Faults and all...mistakes made and mistakes avoided, I have nothing to apologize for when it comes to my work or my behavior in these regards.
but you two give off the impression that I owe one. Or at the very lease owe some justification for my "actions."
That's why I don't like you. That dislike feels very warranted and in now way reflects how I treat or regard the bulk of my audience.
Everyone else: thanks for engaging conversation civilly. It was fun guys. Maybe I'll do it again soon.
How arrogant.
I guess you don't understand, but it doesn't matter. I don't care if you like me. You go on and on about how your fans are always trying to form connections with you that don't exist, and yet when you find people interested in your work and not you, you can only respond with ad hominem attacks.
And again, you don't owe any justifications for your work. I'm not sure where you are getting that idea.
Kurtz to critics:
p.s. I'm Scott Kurtz. FUCK YOU!
"It was fun guys. Maybe I'll do it again soon."
At the risk of coming across as badly as you did this time, I really wouldn't bother if I were you.
This whole episode started badly and went downhill quickly. As someone else pointed out, your arrogance is palpable.
I'm sure we'll be getting a blog post about how evil we all are on monday.
I'll work to summon up the effort to give a damn.
you guys are the coolest.
How did my name get into that latest rant?
In response, Scott, you are reading what you want into the comments. The god's honest truth, at least the way I see it, is that we really don't want you here to participate in this conversation. Think of this as a site where people are nit picking Star Trek. No one wants the ghost of Gene Roddenberry to show up and start arguing about how wrong they are. That ruins the fun.
I am not emailing you my opinions. And based on your comment about the emails you do get, I don't think anyone is emailing you their opinions that they post here. Since you have been very vocal in how much you refuse to read this site, I think that make it clear that no one here thinks you owe us anything, since we don't even think you are reading (until you come in here and announce that you are, of course). I assume that FSM did not email you a link to this site to begin with, so however you came across it, it wasn't due to anyone who participates here. So you have a very skewed view of what is going on.
Also, any personal opinions I have of you are based solely on your behavior regarding this site. I don't care at all how you act at conventions or what you do in real life or your drama with CAD. But I do care when your childish behavior starts to negatively affect a site I participate in. First, with your witch hunt to try to expose the true identity of FSM and then your claims to BE FSM, you were actively trying to harm this site and disrupt the conversation.
So, really, if you could go back to pretending this site doesn't exist, and never mention it or FSM again in any of your Twits (which seem to have a bunch of FSM conversation in them, you really need to stop being so obsessed), I would be happy to think you a decent person. Until then, the only experience I have of you is as a childish brat out to ruin my experience here.
I can not tell you how funny and ironic I find it that Julia and McGee do NOT want me here.
I love it.
Maybe i'll stick around.
I guess it's a question of what you can bring to the discussion? If you want to explain your point of view about decisions you made in various strips, that would be fascinating and could add a lot. (NOTE: I am not in any way implying, or inferring that you OWE us an explanation of various strips...I did not say that, I have never said that.)
If you're just here to stir up drama, and in general condescend down to the humble peons who would dare to comment on your magnificent works, then I think it's a net loss for will encourage a lot of shouting by people about uninteresting BS and I'm sure there will be lots of ridiculous statements made by anonymous people, et al.
Anyway, I think I've said all I intended to and more on this thread, and Julia said most of it and better than I could.
Welcome back to PVPMMS.
Is it safe to say that Scott is just a more artistic version of Buckley?
I don't know that I need to take a public critical look at my work. I do enough of that internally and with my peers and colleagues.
And to be honest, It's not like you guys are bringing collegiate level criticism here. A lot of what's spouted off here is bitter, petty and about me, not my work.
As much as you guys insist this site is about my WORK and not me, I count a lot of references to how flippant, arrogant, egotistical and all around annoying I am. That's ME, not my WORK.
I've done all the real work, now you guys get to pick it apart. Now you want me to do more work and critique the work I just made? Forget it.
THAT would be a true waste of my time.
Dude, no one is saying any of that. If you never read anything here again, it would be too soon. This site is not for you or your benefit. It is here for people who are no longer satisfied with your work to talk about what we don't like about it. Look at any fansite for any TV show and see how nitpicky they get. This doesn't have to be collegiate level criticism for its existence to be justified.
As to comments about you, I think you are being way too sensitive. Apart from when you come up with your latest way to destroy this site, and people here are rightfully upset about it, the only comments I see that really aren't about your work are from anons. The people here who really make up the conversation are not doing that. FSM and ES are not commenting on you. You may perceive it as that, due to your skewed view that I discussed above, but it's not happening.
Seriously, for your own good, you need to just stop reading this site. And make your friends stop telling you anything about what goes on here. For you own mental health.
Right, so anyway, am I the only one who found the most recent strip totally maudlin? The meeting between Scratch and Zeus-guy (Scientist and Magician) should have been reminiscent of the meeting between Leopold Bloom and Simon Dedalus (Rationalist and Artist), but instead it simply recalled Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee.
So Kurtz, what's up with Ding!? It must have been awesome getting Crispy Gamer to buy all those ads for it on your site and then not bother to update for a month.
Sorry, I just find it funny that you insist I go away and that I'm being too sensitive. I'm not sure that you would react any better to a site dedicated to tearing apart your life's work.
And look at the comment directly below yours. Look at that snark, bitter accusation towards me. This guy is calling me a thief in a comment below the one of you saying I'm being too sensitive.
I'm sorry if me being here makes it uncomfortable for you to continue to unabashedly shit all over me and my work.
I'm here, all smiles, watching what you have to say. Let's have it.
You can't take these anonymous posters seriously.
Except this one.
I really like the idea that Scott is going to attempt a different method of destroying this site every couple of weeks using psychology as his only weapon. FSM and Scott Kurtz as arch-nemeses, the way it should be.
God, I used to withhold judgment on Scott Kurtz's character. But what I've just read removes any such reservation. What a complete asshole!
I'm *so* glad I don't read PvP anymore. Good strip, but the creator is a lunatic.
I find it hard to believe that you don't read my strip anymore. If you read this site you at least vicariously read it.
I also really don't understand how you can take any reaction I have to this site and equate it to me being an asshole.
God I would love to spend a day with one of you just following you around criticizing everything you do and see how well your character holds up.
Some of you are real assholes.
It's true; some people are assholes. And some people aren't. And that's what makes this such a great world.
Anyway, this has devolved to point of purposelessness.
Scott -- thanks for stopping by. Every one else -- have a good weekend.
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