Monday, October 6, 2008


Today's strip is amusing and all, but once again it feels like just as we're settling into a storyline, Kurtz grabs the remote and changes the channel.

It's been said before, but I'll say it again: The shift from white space to a fleshed out location is jarring. Apparently Cole and Brent are in the Matrix until one of them loaded up "Hibatchi 01" in that last panel.


Anonymous said...

I am not nearly as critical as you tend to be, but you are definately right here. I was waiting to see what would happen with the vote storyline and then.... Nothing!

The Trouble said...

I didn't really see that as a storyline. I think that was more of PSA on registering to vote, since a lot of the registration cut-offs are coming up or ended already.

Maybe they will get back into the voting/politics stuff closer to the election.

Brett Schiller (Sage) said...

@ ES
The quick cut was fine, yes he should maybe put some basic detailing of the office into one of the backgrounds of the first 3 strips, but the hibachi was fine, I don't want to see them walk to it :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying we need an extra panel of them in transit or anything. I just wish we had some basic office detailing, like you said.

Chris Dunning said...

Invariably someone would complain about a wall looking like it cut the panel in half, or it looking more like a house than an office, or the panel being too busy. That just seems to be the way things go.

Anonymous said...

Honestly? I think the white space is fine. The way Scott designs the characters relies heavily on negative space, thus having too much background all the time can be distracting. Unless it's calling for location, I really don't mind the background, it frames the characters well. One could also argue the PvP offices have lots of plain white walls, like any office.
Not to offend, as I really don't intend too, but I find esoteric scribe to be needlessly critical to the point where it makes me a bit uncomfortable.. it's a bit disconcerting.

Anonymous said...

I think I might have lost interest in this site.

I've been less eager to come here and see what's said.


A Nonny Mouse said...

Dear God,

Please don't ever let Scott Kurtz work on Doctor Who. I know it's cruel to try to prevent people from fulfilling their little dreams, and I don't even have anything against the man himself, but the thought of him being involved with even a tiny corner of my favourite franchise would feel like mixing salty crackers with chocolate.

Yours anonymously,


PS. Let him do something about Torchwood if You want.

Reader said...

Does the hibachi strip feel like an in-joke to anyone else, or is it just me?

Brett Schiller (Sage) said...

Meh i think PVP has neither been especially good or bad, thus not much to talk about

@ ES
Cool Im glad we agree it was just confusing in the original post.

Sko said...

The last frame throws me a little because it totters between two outcomes. Is Brent folding to the pressure (a simple "I hope this doesn't happen!"... and then it happens) or is the fact of the matter that Brent reacts the way he does because he truly enjoys the experience and he thinks his inevitable gleeful reaction is counter to the façade he presents?

Anonymous said...

It strikes me as a "there's no way I'm gonna do X" followed by a quick cut to the character doing precisely X.

TV tropes has a name for this situation but I can't recall it.

Sko said...

Yeah, like I say, it's one of the two options the last panel offers me but is Brent's expression supposed to be one of forced enthusiasm then?

Sko said...

The Emo Knight - Shouldn't Brent's last line in this one be "Gottle of geer!" since he seems to be drinking and talking at the same time?

And it was my understanding that (depending on your source material) Bruce Wayne did drink and sleep around to reinforce the notion he's just multi-millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. Guess it must be all that therapy that Tony Stark goes to that makes all the difference...

Anonymous said...

Bruce Wayne is a notorious teetotaler, though that knowledge is something only his friends are privy to. When he needs to he fakes it with sparkling cider and ginger-ale, or refuses the drink based on quality.

He also presumably "wines and dines" women, without ever taking them home.

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