Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Horde vs. Alliance

The only thing I have to say about today's strip is:

I liked this joke better when it was Cole and Brent in the bar. 


The Trouble said...

The ambulance came all the way from France?

TheOriginalJes said...

That must be where Francis landed...

Jai said...

Why does he say "Penny-Arcade"? The hyphen only exists in the URL, not in... you know... anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

Kurtz actually does a pretty good job of imitating Gabe's style. When I glanced at the strip without reading it properly, I immediately thought "hey, that dude on the left totally looks like he was ripped from Penny Arcade". And there you go.

R.W.McGee said...

er...what? I don't even think Kurt would say that he was trying to draw that guy in Krahulik's style...

Anonymous said...

Now I think about it, he kinda looks more like someone from the Red vs Blue comics...

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