Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time and relative dimension in (office) space

Art - Jade's eyes are improved as the pupils are on the side of her eye instead of dead center. I thought the TARDIS was actually outside the house because of its shading; I think at least the bottom of the police box would have some sort of lighting (not a big deal, just pointing it out).

Also, Jade's left hand is a mitten in the last panel, the only reason this is a problem is because the right one is drawn so well.

Story - I liked the strip because it showed that Jade is a fan of geek culture too. I refer you the 7/1/08 strip where both Jade and Brent accosted Cole for not putting them in the Diablo 3 beta.

Now if only my fiancée could be this understanding of my geeky purchases . . .


Jim Thorpe said...

If he draws the Doctor in tomorrow's strip, I might be tempted to buy a print...

Brett Schiller (Sage) said...

Yeah his prices for prints aren't bad. I won't personally buy anything from him ever, but I have to admit that 9.95 isn't shabby

Anonymous said...

The last panel is all sorts of buggered up. Jade's expression is showing more of a "what the hell where you thinking" expression than "this is awesome". Shouldn't she be at least smiling?

Too much copy and paste?

Jim Thorpe said...

"The last panel is all sorts of buggered up."

I noticed that as well, the expression and body language don't match what she says.

Still, the "frickin awesome" did catch me by surprise and made me wish I had such an understanding spouse.

jsiebels said...

I agree with Jade's expression in the last panel. She is suppose to be relaying unbridled joy but her expression is one of shock and confusion. And remove the Tardis and what do you have? The punch line? "Brent. . this . . this is. . FRICKIN AWESOME." Apparently it's character development and not an attempt at humor which is good because Jade needs a little more developing. It was really an uneventful strip. Be curious to see where this goes and if he just drops it like he did the Reggie storyline last week, leaving it unresolved (in my mind.) Could be Scott is so close to these characters they are finishing the stories in his head and we are not privy to that.
I'll keep reading but I'm just not feeling like the passion is there. Now it seems like he's just going through the motions.

A Nonny Mouse said...

Wait... are those intended to be classic sized TARDIS windows? It's hard to tell for sure in a drawing, but if so I have to admit that it's a pretty cool touch.

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