Thursday, October 30, 2008

Monster Hunters Part 7

No complaints here.

I was expecting more of a "monster a day" series of strips, but this arc has turned out well. Looking forward to the conclusion tomorrow.


Ben Sunshine-Hill said...

That's all you've got? Man, Kurtz is on fire. This week totally makes up for the "getting Skull back" plotline. "Tut-B-Gone", the various onomatopoeias over the week... the main gags have been great, and so have the throwaway gags.

On the nitpicking front, this strip could have been titled "Scott Kurtz Can't Draw Hands And Shouldn't Try".

TheOriginalJes said...

I agree that his work has been solid for this last arc.

It also seems like the stories, as of late, are being geared toward a younger (or less attentive) audience. That's cool, I guess.

Yet it just makes me feel like I'm outgrowing the strip. Am I the only one?

A Nonny Mouse said...

C'mon guys, there's plenty to whinge about if you're willing to put the effort into it. For instance, presuming this isn't an elaborate prank and these two are really monster hunters, why didn't they go and save Skull? And if this is an elaborate prank, how did Brent get the bandages on his arm without Francis noticing? And why is Francis so skeptical about monsters when he encounters a troll on a daily basis and has in the past encountered some of Skull's mythological friends?

Don't be discouraged by the inconsequential fact of having enjoyed a few PVP strips. Rally your spirits and tear the thing to pieces. This is your purpose in life.

Sko said...

Kind of surprised at someone commenting on the gags in a good way. I thought they'd been few and far between during this arc, with Scott going for last panel 'surprises' rather than gags.

If this thing does end Friday, there's quite a bit of a summation to do in the usual single strip.

Clint said...

The Tut-B-Gon is the best gag he's done in a while. Nicely played.

TheOriginalJes said...

The only problem with sci-fi is that all the plot twists have been done to death.

But, I enjoy the possibility of uncertainty that we leave with in today's strip.

Scyze said...

I think this was actually a really great twist on the "It Was All A Dream" shtick. I enjoyed this arc, even though it ended sort of abruptly. I expected to see how they got Brent back and what the mummy fogger did exactly. (Obviously, make the mummy go away, but what exactly does it do?)

Unknown said...

It was just a halloween jaunt, guys.

How can you enjoy ANYTHING in life if you always try to read so much into everything?

Ben Sunshine-Hill said...

We're just intrigued by the idea of aerosol-based anti-monster products, s'all. Do you have to put down newspaper to keep them from staining upholstery? Are they ozone-friendly?

The Bloke that thinks too much said...


Good ending to a great arc. Honestly I don't think the conclusion was rushed (the timing works perfectly with the rest of the quick-paced strips), and the usual bickering between Brent and Cole actually makes me smile for the first time in a while (in a sort of sweet, affectionate way).

Plus, two weeks of comic gold are worth any kind of rushed conclusion any time (honestly, would anyone rather have one of the other strips taken off in favour of a longer wrap-up?).

I'd like to see this more often: two-week long, out-of-continuity arcs with no strings attached, just harmless fun.

Kurtz, pile this up with the rest of the incompatible pointless suggestions :P

Dajagr said...

Actually, Ben, I'm more curious to see if there's something that'll get werewolf "spots" out of carpets. You would not believe how nasty those stains get when they set...

(Seriously, I got a good chuckle out of the closing strip here. Brent's mouth looked a little weird in panel 4, but if that's as bad as I can dredge up, I've got nothing to really complain about.)

Anonymous said...

Ok, so while the monster strips weren't sad, I didn't think they were funny, either. They were just mediocre. The best one of the lot was the last one, which did get a chuckle, but that's the most I can say for them.

I miss the strips that actually made me laugh... the gaming strips, the *first* time Scratch sees the Christmas tree ("breakable shiny dangly objects" is still one of my all time favorite lines), and so on.

While the last two weeks weren't awful, they only look "good" in relation to the rest of the recent strips.

If you compared them to the "good ol' days" they don't measure up.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so while the monster strips weren't sad, I didn't think they were funny, either. They were just mediocre. The best one of the lot was the last one, which did get a chuckle, but that's the most I can say for them.

I miss the strips that actually made me laugh... the gaming strips, the *first* time Scratch sees the Christmas tree ("breakable shiny dangly objects" is still one of my all time favorite lines), and so on.

While the last two weeks weren't awful, they only look "good" in relation to the rest of the recent strips.

If you compared them to the "good ol' days" they don't measure up.

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